Although we strive to provide accurate and up to date information we cannot guarantee that the information is always correct.
This website is intended for the provision of information to the user. Although we strive to provide accurate and up to date information we cannot guarantee that the information is correct at the time when it is received, or that the information remains correct with the elapse of time. Therefore Delftse Poort is not answerable for the consequences of activities that are undertaken on the basis of information on this website.
Certain links in this website connect to sources of information which are maintained by third parties, and over which Delftse Poort has no control. Delftse Poort accepts no responsibility whatsoever in relation to the content, advertisements, products or other matters on such sources of information.
In order to offer and supply products and services on this website Delftse Poort makes use of personal data. In the privacy statement you will find information about the way in which your data is dealt with when you use this website and how your privacy is protected.
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